среда, мая 20, 2020

The Tree Watering Map

Global heating, and in particular long dry hot summers, has had an effect on Berlin's ecosystem. The fall in precipitation has been particularly harsh on the city's trees which suffer from drought conditions. In recent years many trees have suffered long term damage from lack of water and more and more trees have had to be felled.

Giessdenkiez is an interactive map which shows the location of trees in the city of Berlin and provides information about their water requirements. Using the map Berliners can find out about trees in their neighborhood and learn more about their water requirements. Users can then subscribe to individual trees in order to help water them when needed and use the map to record when they have been watered.

Individual trees are colored on the map to indicate the daily amount of water that they require. The proper irrigation of individual trees depends on age, location and tree type. The colors of the trees on the map show whether they have low, medium or high water requirements. The map shows the majority of Berlin's street and plant trees. The map also shows how much precipitation has fallen in the last 30 days and whether a tree has already been watered during this time.

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