понедельник, мая 25, 2020

The Past Climate Explorer

Past Climate Explorer is a fascinating interactive map which allows you to explore historical climate records for any location on Earth. Using the map you can explore average temperature, average precipitation, wind speed and cloud cover anywhere around the globe.

If you click on the Past Climate Explorer interactive map you can view a range of different historical climate records from the ERA5 dataset (1981-2010). For example if you click on New York you can view the records for air temperature, frost days, warm days, precipitation, rainy days, humidity, wind speed and cloud cover.

These records are shown using a number of different visualization methods. For example if you select to view air temperature you can see a warming stripes visualization for your chosen location, showing the average temperatures by year (1981-2010). This warming stripes visualization provides a useful guide as to whether global heating is leading to rising temperatures at the location you selected on the map.

The other charts and graphs allow you to explore the seasonal patterns of weather around the world. They let you see at a glance the hottest, wettest, coldest and windiest months at different locations around the world.

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

Fantastic! Thank you.