понедельник, декабря 28, 2020

Like the Back of Your Hand

Some interactive map games can be very difficult to play. Many of the map games I review for Maps Mania start by generating a random location. This location could be a city that you have never visited and know very little about. I have found over the years that it can be very frustrating to try to answer questions about a city that you know very little about.

This is why you might enjoy playing Back of Your Hand.

Back of Your Hand is a new interactive map game which allows you to answer questions about a location that you know very well. Instead of generating a random location Back of Your Hand allows you to select the area that you would like to answer questions about. It then tests your knowledge of your selected area. 

For example - if you click on your house on the map you will be asked to identify the location of five roads or points of interest in the neighborhoods around your home. You are then awarded points for how close you get to the correct location of each of those roads.

One really nice feature of Back of Your Hand is that you can play it as a socially distanced game with your family. Once you press the 'Start' button you are given a unique link for your game. If you then share this link with your friends and family they can then play the same game - in which they all have to identify the location of the same five streets. You can therefore all compete to see who gets the best score and determine who in your family really knows your neighborhood like the back of their hand. 

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