среда, декабря 16, 2020

Stonehenge in Your City


Next Monday druids will not be meeting at Stonehenge to celebrate the winter solstice. Every year people gather at Stonehenge on the winter solstice to observe the sunrise. Due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be no-one witnessing the sunrise at Stonehenge this year. 

But don't worry - you can still worship the solstice sun in your own city. Stonehenge in your City can help you find nearby streets which are aligned with the sunrise or sunset on the winter or summer solstice. The site has mapped out hundreds of cities around the world highlighting the streets which face towards sunrise or sunset on either solstice.

Streets which point towards sunrise at the winter solstice are marked in red on the map and the streets which align with the winter solstice sunset are marked in orange. If you click on any of these colored lines on the map you can view the degree by which the road deviates from the sun's path at sunrise and sunset.

The map may be of particular interest to photographers who want to capture a dramatic photo during the solstice. Anyone who wants a dramatic photo of the sun rising or setting at the end of a local street can use the map to find all the nearby streets which are perfectly aligned for the winter and summer solstices. 

If you really don't want to miss watching the sunrise at Stonehenge this year then you can watch it live on-line. The English Heritage website is live-streaming the event. Sunrise is at 08.09 GMT and sunset will be at 16.01 GMT

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