вторник, декабря 29, 2020

The First #UKSnow of Winter

For the first time this winter the hashtag UKSnow is trending on Twitter. This means that it is time once again to fire up the #uksnow Map.

The #uksnow Map uses crowdsourced Tweets to map the location and levels of snow across the UK. Judging by the current map snow has been falling widely in the North and Midlands. There also seems to have been a smaller number of snow showers in the South of the country, mostly in the Hampshire area. 

To add your information to the #uksnow Map you just need to Tweet a message with the '#uksnow' hashtag,  including your location (the first half of your postcode) and a 1-10 rating for the amount of snow (with 10 being a full-scale blizzard).

The Met Office is predicting snow in many areas of the UK for the next 5 days, therefore the #uksnow Map is likely to be very busy for at least the reswt of this week. In particular the Met Office has issued snow and ice warnings covering South Wales and Southern England for both Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

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