четверг, марта 18, 2021

2021 Dutch Election Maps

The center-right VVD party were the biggest winners in yesterday's general election in the Netherlands. This means that the Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, will now serve a fourth term as leader of his country. 

Sixteen different parties will probably win seats in this Dutch parliament. This normally means that it can take a while for a working coalition to emerge. One of the VVD's current coalition partners, the pro-European D66 party, also gained seats in this election. The far-right, anti-Islam Freedom party (PVV) lost three seats. The left wing PvdA appear to have won the same nine seats as in the last election but the other left-leaning parties - the Greenleft and Socialist party - both lost seats.

De Volkskrant has published an interactive map which is visualizing the results in each electoral district as they are declared. The largest party (grootste partij) view on this map shows that the VVD were the most popular party across almost the whole country. The map also includes an option to compare the 2021 election results with the previous election in 2017. You can view a more detailed visualization of the 2017 election using NRC's interactive dot map All Votes as Ten Million Dots, which shows every vote cast in the 2017 election as colored dots. 

De Telegraf has also published an interactive map which shows the results of the 2021 Dutch election as they are announced. Like De Volkskrant's visualization De Telegraf's interactive map allows you to view the biggest party in each electoral district, the distribution of votes won by each party, the number of seats won by each party and a 'coalition builder' view. The coalition builder allows you to explore which parties could form together to create a working coalition with a majority of 76 seats.

Dutch newspaper NRC has also followed the same well trodden path for its 2021 election map. The NRC election visualization also includes an interactive map view, a graph showing the distribution of votes won by each party, a graph of the seats won by each party and a coalition builder tool.

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