понедельник, марта 15, 2021

The Global Easter Egg Hunt

Cadbury, the UK chocolate manufacturers, are using Google Maps to create a worldwide Easter egg hunt. You can use Cadbury Worldwide Hide to hide either a real or virtual Easter egg at any location in the world. Once you have hidden an Easter egg on a map of the world you can ask a special friend to try to find it.

At the beginning of Cadbury Worldwide Hide you are asked if you want to hide a real egg (paid) or a virtual egg (free). If you hide a real Easter egg (which you have to pay for) once the egg has been found the person who found it will receive a real Cadbury chocolate Easter egg in the post.

The process of hiding your Easter egg is very easy. You just need to click on your chosen location on a Google Map. You can then decide on a special clue which will help a hunter find the egg (e.g. 'where we first met'). Once you have hidden your egg somewhere in the world you will receive a link to your personal Easter egg hunt. You can then share that link with the person you want to find your egg. Your designated egg hunter then needs to search for your hidden egg on an interactive map, using your clue and a special 'egg meter', which tells them how far away they are from the hidden egg.

If you hide a virtual egg then Cadbury Worldwide Hide is free to play. However if you want you can pay Cadbury and they will send a real chocolate Easter egg to the person who solves your personal Easter egg hunt.

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