суббота, марта 13, 2021

Tracking Global Coronavirus Vaccinations

The New York Times is tracking the progress that countries around the world are making in vaccinating their citizens. You can view the results on the newspaper's Tracking Coronavirus Vaccinations Around the World interactive map. 

The NYT's map shows that Israel is still leading the world, having fully vaccinated 46% of their population. The UK and the USA are doing well if you look at those countries who have given the most first shots of the vaccination (having vaccinated 35% & 20% respectively). Most countries in the European Union appear to still be struggling to implement speedy vaccination programs for their populations.

The NYT's vaccination tracking visualization also allows you to see how individual U.S. states are progressing with their vaccination plans. See How the Vaccine Rollout Is Going in Your State shows that New Mexico, Connecticut and Alaska are leading the way (although they are behind the pace of Palau & American Samoa). At the other end of the scale Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee are among the slowest states to roll-out vaccinations to their citizens. 

You can also follow the progress of vaccinations around the world on Bloomberg. Bloomberg's Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker uses data gathered from government websites and public statements to map the progress of the Covid-19 vaccination in different countries. 

Like the NYT the Bloomberg Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker also includes an interactive map which shows the rate that individual states in the USA are administering the Covid-19 vaccination.

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