пятница, марта 05, 2021

Heritage Under Threat

The National Trust has released a new interactive map which highlights the risk to the UK's most important heritage sites from climate change. The National Trust is a charitable organization responsible for preserving land and buildings of national importance and/or outstanding beauty. The trust's new map identifies the future climate threats, such as coastal erosion, extreme heat and flooding which endanger the UK's most important buildings and cultural heritage sites.

The National Trust Climate Hazards map includes a number of layers which visualize the UK's present (2020) and future (2060) climate threats from extreme heat, storm damage and land erosion. Select one of these layers from the map menu and you can view the threat levels overlaid on top of a map of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Scotland has its own National Trust organization). 

The small arrow at the bottom of the map opens another menu which allows the user to find and zoom to individual National Trust run properties. You can use this menu to assess the climate risk to individual buildings or land run by the National Trust. If you are interested in visiting a National Trust run heritage site in the UK then you can also view all the trust's buildings and land on the National Trust's Search Places interactive map. This map provides more details on each of the Trust's properties including information on the property's history and opening times.

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