вторник, марта 30, 2021

Discovering Local History and Culture

Clio is an interactive map based tool for discovering nearby historical and cultural sites across the United States. Enter your address into Clio and it will show you the location of nearby historical sites, museums, monuments, landmarks and other sites of cultural or historical significance.

When you search for a location on Clio all the nearby sites of historical importance are shown on an interactive map using numbered map markers. You can either click on the individual markers to learn more about the mapped historical site or you can view each entry listed beneath the map. 

Clio users can also contribute entries to the map, to add important cultural or historical sites which aren't already listed. To add a site to the map you need to register with Clio. Clio moderates all submitted sites, therefore if you add an entry it won't be immediately added to the map.

Clio can be used to create walking tours of local places of historical importance. For example in New York you could create a walking tour around local historic theaters. Creating a tour is easy for registered users and really only requires you to select individual historic sites from the map. Clio will create the walking route automatically to visit all your chosen sites. If you don't like route designed then you can simply reorder the chosen locations to change the route of your personal walking tour.

1 комментарий:

adgorn комментирует...

Thanks for posting. I think www.waymarking.com is more comprehensive for researching historical sites. But Clio looks interesting for virtual tour development.