среда, октября 13, 2010

AED's on Google Maps


Here is a great idea from Sweden - a Google Map showing the location of automated external defibrillators in the country. If someone suffers a cardiac arrest the sooner they have access to an AED the greater the chance they have of surviving. Therefore knowing where the nearest defibrillator is kept is of vital importance.

The map allows anyone to enter a Swedish address and view the location of all the nearest defibrillators. So, for example, Swedish citizens can access the map to find where the nearest defibrillators are to their place of work.

If you click on any of the map markers the full address is given, as is the exact place where the defibrillator is stored, e.g. reception. Companies or organisations that have a defibrillator that isn't already listed can register its location by completing a short form.


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