пятница, октября 01, 2010

Google Map of Foursquare Check-ins

Real Time Check-ins Map

This Google Map displays in real-time the locations of Foursquare check-ins shared via Twitter.

The map displays the locations of the latest check-ins made to Foursquare. If nothing else the map is interesting in that it gives a rough guide of Foursquare's penetration around the world. At the moment Foursquare appears most popular in North America, Europe, South East Asia and Japan. However Foursquare seems to have made little penetration in South Africa.

Another potential use of the map could be to zoom in on your current location and check-out who is logging in on Foursquare around you.


5 комментариев:

"Guppy" Honaker комментирует...

This is a cool app - and just in time for the new movie about the founder of Facebook!

- David

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Jansen комментирует...

isn't it the maps for FOURSQUARE check-ins, rather than Facebook?

Court комментирует...

Yes, this is Foursquare checkins, not Facebook.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Sorry - a little bit of Friday fatigue sneaked in there. Now edited.

Sheri комментирует...

I know I've used google maps more times than I can count,and also use them just as a quick source of reference figuring out the distance between two places.

Just blows me away technology these days.Google sure did come out on time..when it comes to online maps.