понедельник, октября 18, 2010

Google Maps Of Govt Spending and Cuts

Where are the Cuts?

The economic downturn has led a number of governments to launch stimulus packages to try and boost the economy. Around the world there have been a number of attempts to map these stimulus packages. In the UK the British government have taken a different approach and are drastically cutting public spending.

Where are the Cuts uses the Ushahidi crowd-sourced mapping platform to try and crowdsource where the cuts in spending are taking affect. You can use the Where are the Cuts Google Map to view where cuts have been made in locations around the UK. If you know of a cut that has not yet been mapped you can add it to the map.

Nation Building

In Australia the government have created a Google Maps mashup to show where the country's tax dollars are being spent as part of the federal government's stimulus plan. To ensure that the program is delivered with full transparency the Australian Government has created an entire website, Nation Building - Economic Stimulus Plan, which is dedicated to news, stories and progress reports so citizens can monitor how their money is being spent.

The Google Map plays a large part in showing where and how the money is being spent.

Canada's Economic Action Plan

In Canada the GoogleMapsDev team have used the Google Maps for Flash API to map over 7,000 projects funded by the Canadian Government as part of its $61 billion dollar economic stimulus package.

USDA ARRA Projects Map

In the USA USDA have created a Google Map to show where and how the United States Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and United States Department of Commerce projects (funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) are putting Americans back to work and rejuvenating the nation's economy.


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