понедельник, октября 18, 2010

Check-in with Google Maps

You Scoop it

You Scoop it is a new social network that is trying to crack the crowded location check-in market. You Scoop it lets you find, review, write about or check-in with anyone, anywhere or anything. Using You Scoop it you can find and follow your friends, earn badges and unlock achievements.

Like Foursquare and other LBS applications You Scoop it lets you check-in at locations around the world. The site uses Google Maps to show you the location of places. You can then check-in, write a review and add pictures of videos.

You Scoop it differs from other location based services in that it isn't restricting itself to locations. You can also check-in people and things. Using You Scoop it you can write a review about a person and post pictures and videos of them. Or you can write a review about an object, such as a product, and share that information with your social network.

You can connect your You Scoop it account with Facebook but at the moment there doesn't appear to be any smart phone applications. If You Scoop it is serious about breaking into the LBS market then they really need to start thinking about how users can check-in via their phones.


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