вторник, октября 19, 2010

Bird Spotting with Google Maps


Geobirds provides a 'Range Maps' service to show sightings of different bird species in the USA. The site uses data collected by the United States Geological Service.

GeoBirds Range Maps allows you to search for bird sightings in summer and winter at any location. To search the map you first need to choose a location and then choose a bird species from the map sidebar.

Geobirds then displays the results of your search on a Google Map. The blue markers on the map represent bird sightings in winter and the yellow markings display summer sightings. Year round sightings are shown by purple map markers.

Beaky Birdsearch

Beaky Birdsearch is a geographical search engine of UK bird species. The application uses Google Maps to allow users to search for the distribution of birds throughout the UK.

The data for the application is from the 2009 RSPB Big Birdwatch survey which asked members of the public to record the birds that they spotted in their own gardens. To search the map you can enter a bird species or you can select one from the drop-down menu.

Other Birdwatching Maps

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