понедельник, марта 03, 2014

Build Your Own Street

Posse lets you build your very own streets, consisting of all your favorite places. When you first sign-up to Posse (you can connect via your Facebook account) you are then given two streets, which you can give any theme and populate with all your favorite shops, cafes, bars or other locations.

The theme of your Posse streets can be anything you want, for example, your favorite New York shops, Sydney open-air bars or London museums and galleries. Adding shops to your street is very easy. You just need to start typing the name of the shop, bar etc and Posse will give you suggestions from the Posse database. If your location isn't in the database you can add the shop to the database and show its real-world location.

As well as building your own streets you can also view the streets of other users. Your main Posse page contains the streets of your friends, their friends and other local experts Posse recommends. You can click on any of the buildings to find out more about the business, read Posse users' comments & reviews and view its real-world location on a Google Map.

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