вторник, марта 18, 2014

Mapping Icelandic Earthquakes

I like this map of Icelandic Earthquakes. The map itself isn't actually rendered very well but it is an interesting visualization of earthquakes in Iceland since 1995.

Icelandic Earthquakes uses d3.js with the Leaflet mapping library. The map is from the National Land Survey of Iceland, which provides great topographical information. However Icelandic Earthquakes does highlight one of the problems of using map tiles generated from paper maps, in that the map loses resolution when zoomed out.

Where the map is really good in is in the scope the user has in visualizing the earthquake data. It is possible to refine the earthquake data shown on the map by date, by magnitude and by depth. It is also possible to refine the way the earthquake polygons are presented on the map by size, opacity and by the number of polygons displayed.

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