среда, марта 26, 2014

NOTAMS for Pilots on Google Maps

Zweefvlieg is a new Google Map that displays Notices To Airmen (NOTAMs) that could affect Dutch gliders. NOTAMs are messages issued by governmental agencies that warn pilots and operators of aircraft of last minute changes that could affect a flight, such as the closure of a section of airspace.

The map shows the NOTAMs released daily by the Royal Netherlands Airforce for Dutch airspace. NOTAMs affecting airports are displayed with plane icons on the map. NOTAMs affecting airspace are displayed using circular polygons.

Zulu for Pilots is a Google Map that helps pilots find Notice To Airmen (NOTAMS) issued by NavCanada.

Using the map it is possible to search for Canadian airports by their ICAO code and find nearby NOTAMS. Airports are marked on the map with large map markers and clicking on the marker will display all the NOTAMS for that airport in the map sidebar. Obstructions on the map are represented by small markers.

NOTAMS are updated from NavCanda’s website every 30 minute and the time of the last update is displayed above the map.

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