суббота, марта 22, 2014

The Best Mortgage Rates on Google Maps

We do like a first on Google Maps Mania and this is definitely the first map of mortgage interest rates that we have seen. SvD Näringsliv has released a Google Map that allows its readers to add the location of their bank to the map and indicate how much their mortgage interest rate is.

Other users can then use the map to research banks in their area to discover which ones are offering the best mortgage interest rates. They might even discover that their own bank has offered someone else a lower deal and can then use the information to try and renegotiate their own interest rate.

The SvD's Räntekarta includes a number of useful controls that allow the user to filter the banks displayed on the map. The slide control at the bottom of the map allows you to filter the results by the interest rates charged. If you only want to view banks offering rates between 4-6% you simply adjust the sliders to filter the results shown on the map.

The menu in the map sidebar allows you to filter the results by bank name or by location.

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