четверг, марта 24, 2016

3D Nebula Maps

Nebula Bliss allows you to explore the wonders of nebulae in stunning 3d. The site uses WebGL to create procedural generated models of six different nebula which you can zoom in and out of in your browser.

At the moment Nebula Bliss has six 3d nebula maps, including the Hourglass Nebula, the Ring Nebula, the Butterfly Nebula, the Rotten Egg Nebula and the Cat's Eye Nebula. Each of these 3d maps is accompanied with information about the selected interstellar cloud.

Each of the 3d maps are based on NASA and Hubble imagery. If you want to explore one of the nebulae on your own you need to turn off the 'auto' camera in the menu at the top of the map (you can also turn off the music from this menu ).

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