четверг, марта 03, 2016

400 Years of London's Skyline

In 1616 Claes Jansz Visscher created a beautiful engraving of medieval London's skyline as seen from the south bank of the River Thames. 400 years later, artist Robin Reynolds has created a modern 6.6 ft panoramic drawing showing London today from exactly the same point of view.

The Guardian has created four interactive images which allow you to compare Visscher and Reynold's views of London in detail. Each of the images shows a close-up scene from Visscher's engraving with Reynolds' modern drawing of London superimposed on top.

Each image includes a slider opacity control which allows you to switch between the 1616 and 2016 views of London. Using the control you can see how London skyline has changed over the last 400 years.

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