среда, марта 02, 2016

The Cultural Map of Shoreditch

The Stage has curated some of Shoreditch’s long-standing cultural establishments and most notable hotspots from the arts, theatre, television, film and plotted their locations on an interactive map.

The Culture Map of Shoreditch allows you to explore both historical and current cultural hotspots which can be found in the Shoreditch area of East London. The cultural venues on the map are categorized by venue. Clicking on a marker reveals more information about the selected venue and its significance to the Shoreditch area.

The map itself includes an interesting skewed animation effect which occurs when you click on a marker. When you select a marker on the map the map element skews back to place more emphasis on the sidebar information about your selected venue. Click on the map again and the map returns to its normal postion.

I'm not sure that animating the base map is something I'd like to see being overused. However it is a neat effect on the Cultural Map of Shoreditch. If you are interested in animating and moving a base map then you might be interested in this Plunker demo of a Leaflet map being animated with CSS3 animations.

Users of the Cultural Map of Shoreditch can add other cultural hotspots to the map by clicking on ‘Add your Culture Tip’ and completing the submission form.

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