четверг, марта 03, 2016

Discriminatory Housing in American Cities

Michael Bader has been studying how neighborhood racial integration has changed since discriminatory housing was outlawed. One outcome of this study is a series of interactive maps examining racial integration in the neighborhoods of four major cities; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston.

The four city maps in Neighborhood Racial & Ethnic Change Trajectories, 1970-2010 color neighborhood areas by the trajectory of racial change since the end of discriminatory housing. There are eleven neighborhood categories in total. You can read a definition of each of these categories simply by clicking on any of the colored neighborhoods on the map.

Each city map is accompanied by a description of neighborhood change in the city, providing an overview of the general pattern of racial change in the city's neighborhoods. Overall the study found that many integrated neighborhoods in American cities "were actually experiencing slow, but steady resegregation." This process has led to concentrations of 'Black' neighborhoods in inner cities and inner-ring suburbs. While Latinos and Asians are scattered into segregating neighborhoods throughout metropolitan neighborhoods.

You might also be interested in reading about the history of housing segregation in the USA in Redlining During the New Deal.

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