среда, марта 02, 2016

The Super Tuesday Winner is SVG

It has been interesting to note that during the Presidential primaries newspapers have eschewed the main interactive mapping libraries in favor of bespoke election result maps.

A good example of this is CBS News. CBS has created its own custom designed interactive SVG election map. The states on the map are colored to show the winner in each declared primary. You can also hover over a state to view the percentage of votes cast for each candidate.

The Washington Post and the New York Times have also created similar bespoke interactive SVG based maps for the Super Tuesday results.

If you want to explore the results in more detail then you can view Associated Press' series of state election maps. Associated Press has created a series of state maps for each of the declared primaries showing results at the county level.

You can see each of the state election results maps on the New York Daily News' Election 2016: Live Super Tuesday Voting Results. AP has used amCharts to provide a series of maps which show the main winner in each county in each of the declared states.

Counties on the map are colored to show the candidate with the highest percentage of the votes in the county. Hover over a county and you can view the leading candidate in the county. If you click on a county you can view the percentage of votes cast for each of the candidates.

The Guardian also chose to create their own bespoke interactive maps showing the number of votes won by the candidates at country level in each state. The Guardian's maps are also worth checking out just to see the weird little cartoon figures of the candidates interacting with each of the maps,

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