четверг, апреля 21, 2016

Mapping Immigration in France

Le Télégramme has published a couple of interesting interactive maps looking at immigration in France. Immigration: Le Centre-Bretagne à Contresens maps the percentage of immigrants in France and where the highest number of immigrants in each French region originate from.

The first map provides a choropleth view visualizing the percentage of immigrants in each French canton. This map shows that Paris and the south of France have some of the largest percentages of immigrants. Cantons that border other European countries also tend to have a higher percentage of immigrants than cantons in the center of the country.

The second map shows the country where the most immigrants come from in each French region. Portugal provides the highest number of immigrants to France. The British make up the highest number of immigrants in the northern regions of Brittany and Normandy. On the German border the biggest immigrant group is the Turkish. In many southern regions the biggest immigrant groups come from north African countries.

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