среда, апреля 27, 2016

The Hockey Hotbed of the World

Last year the 10 and 3 website released a Canadian NHL Players Map to visualize which areas in Canada produced the most NHL players. This year the 10 and 3 has decided to go global.

More than 50% of players in the National Hockey League are now non-native Canadians and Canadians no longer make up the majority of the league's players. The 10 and 3 has therefore created a new interactive map to show the birthplace of NHL players from all around the world.

The new Crowning the World’s Undisputed Hockey Hotbed map allows you to view a choropleth map showing where NHL hockey players were born around the world, all the way back to 1925. You can use the timeline at the bottom of the map to explore the global regions that have produced NHL players over time (in ten year increments). As you change the date on the timeline the map will update to reflect the chosen year.

The choropleth layer on the map shows the number of NHL players originating from different countries and regions. You can select the individual colored areas on the map to view the total number of players from the area and the number of players produced per 100,000 residents.

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