среда, апреля 13, 2016

The Panama Papers - Money Trail

Mexican news website Aristegui Noticias has created a story map which literally follows Juan Armando Cantu Hinojosa's money around the world as he tries to hide his fortune from the tax authorities.

The business tycoon Juan Armando Cantu Hinojosa is a close friend of the Mexican President Peña Nieto. Ever since Nieto's became president Hinjosa has made a fortune from the huge number of government contracts that he has amazingly secured. The Panama Papers leak has revealed how Hinjosa used the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca to hide his wealth in an elaborate chain of offshore trusts and companies.

The Money Trail of Cantu Hinjosa is an informative story map which explains where and how Hinjosa moved his money around the world from Mexico City to New Zealand. As you scroll down the page you can follow Hinjosa's money around the world as it is moved from country to country and from offshore trust to offshore trust.

The Money Trail of Cantu Hinjosa is in Spanish.

Via: Visualoop

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