среда, апреля 20, 2016

Mapping the New York Primaries

The New York Times has provided a really interesting breakdown of how different ethnic groups voted in the New York primaries.

How Every City Neighborhood Voted is a Leaflet powered map which shows the amount of votes cast for each Republican and Democratic candidate in each NYC neighborhood in the New York primaries. It also breaks down the numbers cast for each candidate by different ethnic groups and by people with different median incomes (although I'm not sure how the Times managed to break down the vote by race and income).

The data for Trump and Clinton is particularly interesting. Trump was most popular with white and Asian voters and least popular with black voters, Clinton was most popular with black and Hispanic voters and least popular with Asian voters. In terms of median income Trump is least popular with those who earn the most money. Clinton in most popular with those who earn the most money.

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