понедельник, октября 08, 2018

A New Mapping Platform is HERE

Stamen has been playing around with HERE's new map building platform XYZ. XYZ includes a range of tools of API's, SDK's and tools which can help you make interactive maps. HERE XYZ is a full stack of interactive mapping tools which allow you to create a spatial database and visualize & style that data on top of an interactive map.

Stamen has created a nice introduction to the HERE XYZ mapping platform in the form of tutorials and demo maps. Stamen has created four demo maps which they built using XYZ with Leaflet.js, Tangram and Cesium.js. New Maps in the Cloud with Here XYZ includes four very different maps, including this 3D Globe with Live Flights. This live flights map visualizes the movements of planes in real-time flying in and out a number of major airports on top of a Cesium powered interactive globe. Alongside the four demo maps Stamen has also created a number of tutorials on using HERE XYZ.

The HERE XYZ Tutorials include help on installing the XYZ command line interface and tutorials on building the four interactive maps introduced in the Stamen blog post. The tutorials provide an easy to follow guide to start building maps with HERE XYZ.

Anyone who is familiar with Mapbox Studio and the Mapbox GL mapping library should find the tools available in HERE XYZ reasonably easy to conceive and understand. XYZ even has a product to help you style your spatial data called XYZ Studio.

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