пятница, октября 19, 2018

Mapping Latino Voters

California has the largest number of eligible Latino voters of any state. 7,698,000 Latino voters can vote in California. In total 30% of the state's voters are Hispanic. In West Virginia on the other hand less than 1% of voters are Hispanic. Only 13,000 Latino voters are eligible to vote in the state.

In the 2018 midterm elections there will be more than 29 million Latino registered voters across the whole of the United States. Pew Research has released an interactive map which shows you how many Latino voters there are in each state and in each congressional district.

Mapping the Latino Electorate is a choropleth map which shows the percentage of the voting public who are Hispanic in every state and congressional district. The darker the shade of green a state is colored on the map then the higher the percentage of eligible voters are Hispanic. You can hover over individual states and congressional districts to view the exact percentage of eligible voters who are Hispanic. You can also view more details on each state's Hispanic population in the table below the map.

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