понедельник, октября 01, 2018

Inside the Houses of Parliament

CNN has created an interactive tour of the Palace of Westminster or, as its more commonly called. the Houses of Parliament. The tour consists of a number of custom 'Street Views' of the building comprising of annotated 360 degree panoramic videos and images of the building's most famous rooms.

CNN's Houses of Parliament tour allows you to take a guided tour around one of the world's most iconic buildings. This includes 'Street View' tours of Big Ben, the House of Commons, the Robing Room and the Act Room. Each of these panoramic 360 degree images includes a narration which explains the history and purpose of the displayed room. Each image also includes a number of map markers which provide further explanation of some of the features which are found in the selected room.

The narration on CNN's Houses of Parliament also includes background sounds captured in the Palace of Westminster and historical recordings of the Queen and some of Britain's past Prime Ministers.

The official residence of the British Prime Minister and the headquarters of Her Majesty's Government is 10 Downing Street. Google Maps includes Street View images of 10 Downing Street and its many rooms. 

From the outside the home of the Prime Minister looks quite small but it is actually a lot bigger than it first appears. To help you navigate around the home of the British government here are some quick links to some of the many rooms in 10 Downing Street.

First (ground) Floor
Entrance Hall
The Pillard Room
The Terracotta Room
The White Drawing Room
The Main Staircase

Second Floor
Small Dining Room (Breakfast Room)
State Dining Room

Third Floor
Cabinet Room
The Study

You can also tour the White House on Street View. Here is a guide containing some quick links to some of the White House's most famous rooms on Google Maps Street View.

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