вторник, октября 02, 2018

London to Brighton in Four Minutes

In 1953 the BBC filmed a non-stop train journey from London Victoria to Brighton. The journey took one hour, but the filmmakers sped up the movie to compress it into just 4 minutes. You can watch the whole four minutes of this sped-up train journey on YouTube.

In 2013, sixty years after the original film was made, the BBC filmed the same London to Brighton train journey. You can now watch the London to Brighton Train Journey 2013 synced to an interactive map. This demo allows you to watch the 2013 BBC film of the sped-up train journey from London to Brighton while following the synced location of the train on an OpenStreetMap map.

The BBC also filmed the London to Brighton train journey in 1983, thirty years after the original film was made. This means that the BBC now has three films of the journey, one from 1953, one shot thirty years later in 1983 and one shot a further thirty years later in 2013. You can view all three films side-by-side on the BBC website. Their How the London to Brighton train ride has changed in 60 years syncs all three films so that you can really see how the landscape has changed at thirty year intervals.

The synchronized video map of the BBC's 2013 film was made with WebVMT, a mapping library designed for synchronizing video with an animated interactive map.

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