понедельник, октября 15, 2018

Mapping the Damage from Hurricane Michael

NOAA's Hurricane Michael Imagery is an interactive map visualizing the damage caused by Hurricane Michael. After the tropical storm struck last week NOAA captured aerial imagery of some of the locations which suffered the most damage in order to support homeland security and emergency response requirements.

If you use the map layers menu you can turn NOAA's recent aerial imagery on & off. This allows you to make a direct comparison of the post-hurricane aerial imagery with the aerial imagery from before Hurricane Michael. This before & after comparison is a little easier if you use Esri's Hurricane Michael Damage Viewer.

This interactive map display's NOAA's Hurricane Michael aerial imagery side-by side with aerial imagery captured before the tropical storm. The two sets of imagery are synchronized with each other so that as you move around on the map the two sets of aerial imagery move to always show a side-by side view or the chosen location.

You can learn more about when and how the post-Hurricane Michael aerial imagery was captured at NOAA's National Geodetic Survey damage assessment imagery.

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