среда, октября 09, 2019

A Crowdsourced Map of the World

XYZ Drawful is an experimental map which allows anyone in the world to draw on an interactive map. The result is a map of the world which is overlaid with the scribbles and drawings of hundreds of different users.


There are a number of different tools which you can use to draw on XYZ Drawful. Select the 'Draw' and 'Add new feature' options from the map sidebar and you can select your favorite drawing tool. These include lines, circles and rectangles, which are fairly self-explanatory. It also includes a freehand tool, which allows you to draw at will.


If you don't like the contributions made by other users then you can wipe them from the map. To delete a contribution simply select it on the map and click on the bin icon.


If you want to view and draw on XYZ Drawful on a mobile device then you might find the mobile version of the map a little easier to use.

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