суббота, октября 12, 2019

Build it and They Will Come

From 1909 to 1970 Forbes Field was home to the Pittsburgh Pirates. This baseball park was also the first home of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team. In 1971 the park was demolished and cleared for use by the University of Pittsburgh.

At some point during the first few years after its construction the Detroit Publishing Company took 5 photographs of Forbes Field which, when stitched together, provide a panoramic view of the baseball stadium. You can zoom in and pan around this panorama on my interactive Forbes Field map.

I used Microsoft's Image Composite Editor to create the panorama. To turn the panorama into an interactive map I adapted the Non-geographical Maps example from the Leaflet tutorials. This allows you to easily create an interactive map from any image or photograph. You can also view the original 5 photographs taken by the Detroit Publishing Co. on the Library of Congress website.

If you like this interactive view of historical Pittsburgh you might also like the panoramic maps I created of a General View of Detroit 1908 and Indianapolis 1907.

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