понедельник, октября 28, 2019

The 2019 Thüringia State Election Map

The Landtagswahlkarte 2019 is an interactive map visualizing the results of the 2019 state elections in Thuringia. In yesterday's election the left-wing Die Linke won the most votes. The extreme right-wing AfD picked up the second most votes in the state. Angela Merkel's CDU, who had won the most votes in the state in every previous election since 1990, was pushed into third place.

The interactive map is colored to show the party which won the most votes in all 664 electoral districts. The darker the color, then the more votes won by the winning party. If you hover over an electoral district on the map then you can view the percentage of votes won in the district by each political party.

If you select a party from the menu beneath the map then you can view a choropleth map showing the party's support in each electoral district in the state. This menu also shows the three districts in which the party had the most support. The map also provides an overview of the swing in votes for each party since the last election. The biggest swings were the +12.8% gain in votes by the extreme right-wing AfD party and the -11.7% loss in votes by the CDU.

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