четверг, октября 31, 2019

The First 2019 UK Election Map

The UK has set a date for a new national election. The election on December 12th is by default almost becoming a second referendum on Brexit. It will also result in many, many new election maps. The first of which is Maproom's 2019 UK Election Map.

This interactive map colours each electoral constituency by the political party of the currently sitting MP. If you click on a constituency you can view the size of the electorate, the size of the sitting MP's majority and the percentage who voted for Leave or Remain in the 2016 EU Referendum Result. You can also click-through to research the MP's voting record on TheyWorkForYou.

The map is reasonably useful as it stands but I wish it had a few more options. For example, as the map already has the data on the 2016 EU Referendum it would be useful if the map included the option to view constituencies by their support for Brexit. This would help users identify Conservative MP's in remain supporting areas and opposition MP's in leave areas. It would also be useful to have a choropleth layer which allowed you to explore the size of each MP's majority. This would allow users to identify the most marginal seats, these will  be the seats which are likely to decide the outcome of the next government and whether the UK leaves the EU or not.

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