четверг, апреля 09, 2020

Exercise Maps

I've started cycling for 30 minutes everyday to make sure that I at least get some exercise during this time of confinement. However I am getting a bit bored of pedaling the same old route everyday. So I've decided it is time to ix it up with a little route roulette.

Routeshuffle is a useful interactive map for creating random routes for running, walking or biking. Generating a random route with Routeshuffle is very easy. Just share your location with the map and enter the length of route that you need. The map will then create a random route, starting and finishing at your location. Routeshuffle will also create a unique link for your route.

If you sign up for a premium account with Routeshuffle you can get access to a number of other features. These include the option to view the route on Google Maps and download the route as a GPX or KML file.

After completing my daily 30 minute bike ride I can work out how far I've cycled using the Sport Distance Calculator. If you draw an exercise route on the Sport Distance Calculator interactive map it can tell you the length of your route. It can even tell you the average speed you took in completing the route and how many calories you burnt.

The map includes features such as adding kilometer markers to your route and working out the route's elevation profile. If you enter in how long it takes you to walk, run or bike the complete route the Sport Distance Calculator can even tell you the average speed that you traveled. The Sport Distance Calculator also allows you to export routes in a number of different formats and includes the option to calculate the amount of calories you burnt by completing the route.

If you want to avoid other joggers, cyclists and walkers then you can use the Strava Global Heatmap to discover the most used roads and routes taken by other people. The Strava Global Heatmap is an interactive map showing where joggers like to run and where cyclists love to ride. The map allows you to view the most popular running and cycling routes by Strava users across the world. Which is great if you wish to avoid other sweaty people.

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