понедельник, апреля 13, 2020

The Hospital Bed Capacity Map

The University of Konstanz has developed an interactive map which shows at a glance the availability of beds in German hospitals. The map uses a simple traffic light system to show the levels of free and occupied hospital beds in every hospital in the country. Using the map health care workers and paramedics can detect bottlenecks and reroute and redistribute patients to other hospitals and health case facilities when needed.

The CoronaVis interactive map shows the availability of hospital beds by marking each hospital with three colored boxes. The three boxes represent three different treatment interventions: ICU low care, ICU high care and ECMO (ventilations). The color of each box shows the availability of that type of bed in the hospital. Green shows that beds are available. Yellow indicates that beds are becoming scarce and red shows that beds in this treatment category are all full. If you hover over a marker on the map you can learn when the bed data was last updated for the selected hospital.

The CoronaVis map can also show other useful information, such as the position of helipads. If you turn on the 'Case View' option you can view a map showing the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths in each state, district or county in Germany. This data can be visualized on the map either as total numbers or normalized per 100,000 residents.

1 комментарий:

Shakir Rehman комментирует...

Really Awesome Blog i Love This