понедельник, апреля 20, 2020

Mapping Where ICU Beds are Available

Last week the University of Konstanz released an interactive map which shows at a glance the availability of beds in German hospitals. The university's CoronaVis interactive map shows the levels of free and occupied hospital beds in every Intensive Care Unit in the country. The Berliner Morgenpost has now also created an interactive map to show which hospitals are reporting bed shortages and which hospitals still have free capacity.

The Berliner Morgenpost argues that the availability of ICU beds is one factor which will determine when stay-at-home policies can be relaxed. Its Corona crisis: where intensive care beds are still free map shows the current situation in 1,177 hospitals across Germany. On the map colored markers are used to show which hospitals currently have no free ICU beds (colored red), which have a bottleneck (colored orange) and which have spare capacity (colored blue).

In the map sidebar there is also a list showing how many Covid-19 patients there are in every state, how many intensive care beds there are in total in each state and the percentage of those beds which are currently occupied. Currently Berlin and Bavaria are the two states with the highest percentage of ICU beds being occupied.

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