четверг, апреля 30, 2020

How to Do Map Stuff

Yesterday cartographers from across the world took part in a series of live online mapping workshops. The How to Do Map Stuff workshops was the brainchild of Daniel Huffman of the Something About Maps blog. Cartographer Daniel Huffman had the idea to have a whole day during which different cartographers could present 30–60 minute live tutorials on making maps.

Yesterday 26 workshops were broadcast by cartographers such as Kenneth Field & John Nelson of Esri and by Daniel Huffman himself . The tutorials cover a wide range of subjects from the thoughtful placement of map labels to how to create beautiful looking hillshade effects. The tutorials also explore a range of digital map making tools including Illustrator, Google Earth Engine, Mapbox and ArcGIS (and even more analog tools such as embroidery and needlework).

If you missed the live tutorials you don't need to worry as they are all available on YouTube. You can find links to each tutorial's video on the How to Do Map Stuff Schedule. The schedule introduces each speaker, gives the title and a brief introduction to the tutorial and provides a link to view the tutorial on YouTube.

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