пятница, апреля 24, 2020

The Passengers & Crew of the Titanic

When the Titanic sank on 15 April 1912 there were 908 crew members on board. 696 of those crew members died. The vast majority of the crew on board the Titanic were from Southampton in the south of England. Southampton was home to the White Star Dock. The White Star Line moved its main transatlantic service from Liverpool to Southampton in 1907 and many of its employees lived in the town. The ships moored in Southampton also relied heavily upon local men and women for their crews. This was also true for the Titanic

You can see how the sinking of the Titanic must have been a particularly tragic event for the people of Southampton on Historic Southampton's Titanic Crew map. This interactive map plots the Southampton addresses of Titanic crew members who either lived or lodged in Southampton immediately prior to the ship's fateful maiden voyage. The crew members plotted with a blue marker survived the sinking of the Titanic. Those shown with a red marker were lost when the ship sank.

Geography, Class and Fate: Passengers on the Titanic is an in-depth analysis of the passengers on the ill-fated Titanic.

The Passengers on the Titanic map shows the route taken by the White Star Line's flagship vessel and where it hit the iceberg that led to its sinking. The main focus of this map however is a forensic overview of where the Titanic's passengers hailed from. The map shows the home of every passenger on board the Titanic. It also allows you to explore and compare the survival rates of the passengers from the different passenger classes (survival rates were much higher for those in first class than they were for those in second class, which in turn were far higher than those in third class).

Clicking on an individual passenger on the map will reveal personal details including the passenger's age, where they boarded the Titanic, their intended destination and (if they were one of the lucky ones) what lifeboat they escaped on.

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