суббота, января 09, 2021

2020 Police Killings

Police in the United States killed 1,114 people in 2020. Despite making up only 13% of the population 28% of those killed by the police were Black. There were only 18 days during the whole of 2020 when the police didn't kill someone.

Mapping Police Violence has released its 2020 report and interactive map of police killings during the whole of last year. The map shows the locations of all the police killings across the United States. If you click on a red marker on the map you can view details of the person(s) killed and a description of the incident.

According to the Mapping Police Violence data Black Americans are three times more likely to be killed by the police than White Americans. This is despite the fact that a White American is on average 1.3 times as likely to be armed as a Black American. The chances of being killed by the police if you are Black is much higher in some American cities than in others. For example, if you live in Chicago you are 22 times more likely to be killed by the police if you are Black than if you are White.

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