четверг, января 21, 2021

Bernie Sanders at the White House

Bernie sits outside the White House

A picture of Bernie Sanders sitting in a pair of mittens at President Joe Biden's inauguration quickly went viral yesterday. The picture shows Sanders sitting cross-legged and wrapped-up against the cold in the bleachers on Capitol Hill waiting for Biden to be sworn in.

While the fashionistas of social media focused on the stunning outfits worn by the likes of Lady Gaga and Michelle Obama some of us were more impressed by the casual attire modeled by Mr Sanders. Bernie's combination of an olive-colored winter jacket with brown and white knitted mittens was at once daring and inspired and ensured that the still glamorous elder statesman stole the show. 

Soon after Bernie's appearance at the inauguration a 'Bernie sits' meme suddenly started to flood social media. Pictures of Bernie sitting in his mittens were Photoshopped into different locations around the world. 

You can join in by creating your own memes with the Bernie Sits application. Just enter a location into Bernie Sits and the app will superimpose a picture of Bernie sitting in his woolly mittens on top of that location's Street View image from Google Maps.

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