пятница, января 01, 2021

The GitHub Globe


The GitHub homepage currently features a 3D globe, on which animated lines are used to show GitHub activity around the world. As the 3D globe spins on its axis these colored lines arc out from the Earth to show where pull-requests are being made and merged around the world. 

The globe is an effective visualization of how GitHub's popular coding platform is a very active global community of developers. The globe itself is actually interactive. If you hover over one of the animated lines on the map you can view the locations where this pull-request was made and where it was merged. 

The globe is rendered in WebGL and was made using three.js. If you are interested in learning more about how the globe was made then you are in luck. GitHub is writing a five-part series on how its new homepage was developed and the first two articles in the series,
  • How our globe is built
  • How we collect and use the data behind the globe

  • deal directly with how the GitHub globe was actually created.

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