суббота, января 02, 2021

America's Vaccination Deserts

The CDC has now added data on U.S. COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution to the CDC COVID Data Tracker. This new data provides the latest information on the total number of Americans who have received the Covid-19 vaccination and the rate (per 100,000 people) of vaccinations carried out in each state. 

According to the CDC interactive map West Virginia and South Dakota have so far vaccinated the highest proportion of residents (first dose received). Ohio and Kansas have vaccinated the lowest proportion of their population (first dose received per 100,000).

The Department of Health and Human Services has published a list of 40,000 pharmacies which are expected to administer the Covid-19 vaccination in the United States. NBC News has mapped this list in order to estimate how close Americans live to their nearest vaccination administering pharmacy.

In How far are you from where a Covid vaccine is expected to be administered? NBC has published an interactive map which shows the percentage of the population in each county who live within five miles of a pharmacy on the Department of Health and Human Services list. This map helps to reveal the counties where the most people live in vaccination deserts and will probably have to travel over five miles in order to receive the Covid-19 vaccination.

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