This Russian website uses Google and Yandex Maps to show the locations of user submitted photographs and messages.
The most interesting feature of ecocedu is the mapping of user submitted messages. Anyone can choose a location on the map and leave a message about a 'neighbour'. Messages can be left to try and track down old friends. For example,
"My friend lived here in 1990. He was called ....... Does anyone know where he lives now?"
Using the map control buttons at the top of the map it is possible to view Google road or satellite maps or Yandex road and satellite map tiles.
2 комментария:
esosedi - (e-neighbours) mix of wikimapia, twitter and yellow pages.
We`ll soon add more things. Starting from html5(canvas) map and ending..
The maps Google has produced are truly amazing. Now if I can just determine how to add a basic road map of Washington County Iowa to my blog without having to cut and paste....
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