четверг, марта 21, 2013

Leave a Note on Google Maps

Findery is a new application that allows anyone to leave notes on a Google Map.

The notes can be about anything, such as information about a favorite location, a location based memory, a fact about a destination or a reminder to pick up milk from the local grocery. The posted notes can be shared with the world, to a group of friends, one to one, or only with yourself.

Pinning a note to the map is very easy. You can click on the the "Leave a Note" link at the top of the map or select the "Leave a Note Here" button. Notes can include text, photos, videos or even a sound clip. When you have submitted a note to the map your note gets a unique URL so it is easy to share your pinned notes with friends or through social media.

2 комментария:

xavierv комментирует...

Google Keep is not going to like this :)

An Bui комментирует...

So, how to add the Note? I'm sorry I can't see it in this post.