пятница, марта 08, 2013

The Street View Car Drag Race

The Google Street View car has captured Street View imagery for the Infineon Raceway Drag Strip in Petaluma. Of course, to make the experience a little more fun, two Street View cars decided to have a little drag race between themselves.

Every now and again someone claims to have discovered Atlantis on Google Maps. Saint-Pierre, on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion may not be Atlantis but Google Maps does seem to think it lies beneath the sea.

Every now and again a debate rages about why most on-line map providers use the Mercator Projection. I'm not going to start that argument again but those of you interested in map projections should definitely check out Mike Bostock's Projection Transitions.

And, if you like that, then you should also have a look at Jason Davies' Map Projection Transitions.  

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