суббота, марта 23, 2013

The Non-Google Maps of the Week

GeoData-Checkout is an open data platform for creating interactive time-line maps. It allows developers to easily create online maps that can visualise data through time.

You can see the platform in action on the Historic Chicago Timeline Map. This map uses the platform to allow users to view an animated time-line of building construction in Chicago. Users can define an area on the map by using a polygon tool and then view an interactive map that animates the construction of individual buildings in the defined area by date of construction.

The MLB Payroll Map is a beautiful mapped visualisation of salaries and payrolls across Major League Baseball teams and players.

MLB teams are displayed on the map with dynamic map markers which are sized to reflect the size of the team's payroll. Users of the map can therefore see at a glance which teams have the largest payrolls. If you select an individual team on the map the marker fans out to show individual players. Again the size of the markers reflects the size of the players' salaries.  

FreshyMap is a great online map that can help skiers find out the current snow conditions at nearby ski resorts.

Individual ski resorts are displayed on the map using dynamic map markers. The size of the markers (and the numbers) reflect the amount of fresh snow forecast for the resort. Users can click on individual markers to reveal a more detailed snow report and webcam images where available.

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